Lifetime Guarantee by Alice Bloch

Lifetime Guarantee

A Journey Through Loss And Survival

Alice Bloch

Lifetime Guarantee is a memorial to Bloch’s sister, Barbara, who died of leukemia at the age of twenty. Bloch and her sister had planned to write the book together. Lifetime Guarantee is a survivor’s account of a harrowing series of events. It combines memories of Bloch’s feelings during Barbara’s illness with some of her sister’s letters and writings. Bloch demonstrates how one horrific event, while dominating one’s life at a particular time, is never quite all that is going on. Jobs must be sought; a coming out once started must be continued; old lovers are lost; new ones are found; other family members become ill, die, get married; tension does not mitigate family rivalries, rejections, and power struggles. Block relates how several family losses bring her to terms with memories of her mother’s death and the mourning she was denied at that time. She seeks to find pattern and meaning and goals for living in the context of loss and strongly perceived mortality. Lifetime Guarantee traces the author’s efforts to identify the lines between the need to care for herself and for others whom she loves. She eventually makes a decision to follow her own life and moves away from her family shortly before her sister’s death.’ ~ Em L. White

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ISBN 9780930436094
Genre Family; Memoir
Publication Date 1981
Publisher Persephone Press
No. of Pages 148
LoC Classification RC643.B54 .B57 1981
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Family & Relationships / Death, Grief, Bereavement; Health & Fitness / Diseases / Cancer; Lesbianism; Leukemia; Sisters
BookID 15306

Author: LFWBooks