Love Me Now by Stacey Clubb

Love Me Now

Stacey Clubb

‘Love me Now’ by Stacey Clubb 1973 erotic RARE

Andrea grew up in tender closeness to a brother she adored, and she could not accept his marriage to Lois. For Andrea found no other man to arouse in her the passionate feelings evoked by her own brother.

Desperately the tried to break up the marriage. Rolf must reject Lois, and then he would return to the warm love Andrea yearned to give him.

But her attempt to seduce Rolf drew Lois into a relationship so dangerous that both woman might never need a mans love again.

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Genre Pulp
Publication Date 1973
Publisher Softcover Library
Format Mass Market Paperback
No. of Pages 153
Notes ‘Love Me Now’ Originally published as ‘Left of Sex’.
Language English
Rating NotRated
Original Title Left of Sex
Subject Lesbians – Fiction
BookID 7667

Author: LFWBooks