Poor White by Sherwood Anderson

Poor White

Sherwood Anderson

Nothing quite like it has ever been done in America. . . . It is so vivid, so full of insight, so shiningly life-like and glowing, that the book is lifted into a category all its own,’ wrote H.L. Mencken, speaking of Anderson’s ‘Winesburg, Ohio,’ Anderson, he said, is ‘America’s Most Distinctive Novelist.’ ‘Poor White,’ which Anderson wrote in 1920, explores the spiritual and emotional sterility of a success-oriented machine age. Like all of Anderson’s tales, it’s an important social commentary, and not to be overlooked.

Brief but very sympathetic portrait of the lesbian, Kate Chancellor; the hero’s wife, Clara, is briefly captivated by Kate during her college days

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ISBN 9780670001880
Genre Historical Fiction; Checklist by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Publication Date Jan-66
Publisher Viking
Format Paperback
No. of Pages 363
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Fiction / General; Fiction / Literary
BookID 10003

Author: LFWBooks