Queering Public Address by Charles E. Morris

Queering Public Address

Sexualities in American Historical Discourse

Charles E. Morris

Ten noted rhetorical critics disrupt the silence regarding nonnormative sexualities in the study of American historical discourse and upend the heteronormativity that governs much of rhetorical history. Enacting both political and radical visions, these scholars articulate the promises of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender public address. The contributors consider figures such as Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harvey Milk, Marlon Riggs, and Lorraine Hansberry; and issues as diverse as collective identity, nineteenth-century semiotics of gender and sexuality, the sexual politics of the Harlem Renaissance, psychiatric productions of the queer, and violence-induced traumatic styles.

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ISBN 9781570036644
Genre LGBT Studies/Social Sciences
Publication Date 30-Jun-07
Publisher University of South Carolina Press
Format Hardcover
No. of Pages 298
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Social Science
BookID 10383

Author: LFWBooks