Return Of The Raven by Jamie Scarratt

Return Of The Raven

Jamie Scarratt

With the beginning of time began the battle for good and evil. Fast forward to 1927 and the complicated lives of Red Wolverton and Evadne Davenport, partners in Boston’s only female private investigation firm. Red continues to struggle with her attraction to the oblivious Evadne, while trying to stay afloat professionally. Evadne is fighting her own battles with her peers’ disapproval of her association with the notorious Wolverton, and with Red’s scattergun approach to having a new partner. To cap it all, an eventful evening at the grandiose home of Evadne’s soon-to-be stepfather leaves the two investigators with a mysterious prophecy to decipher and Red with yet more stitches. The seemingly coincidental arrival of Evadne’s old friend, Vivian, increases the tension between Red and Evadne. As does Red’s new lover. As Red and Evadne are drawn deeper and deeper into the dark goings-on of the prophecy and the people who serve it, the rift between them widens. Will Red and Evadne be able to bridge the rift before it’s too late, or will their differences be too much to surmount, allowing the dark prophecy to come true?

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ISBN 9781935627722
Genre Action/Adventure
Copyright Date 2012
Publication Date 13-May-12
Publisher Blue Feather Books, Ltd
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 366
Series Wolf’s Tales
# in Series 2
Language English
Rating NotRated
Paper Type Electronic Format Available
BookID 10682

Author: LFWBooks