Steadying the Ark by Rebecca K. Jones

Steadying the Ark

Rebecca K. Jones

While Assistant District Attorney Mack Wilson’s days are devoted to arguing sex crime cases in the courtroom, her evenings are troubled by a series of disturbing incidents in her neighborhood.

As the media madness swirls around her trial, evidence that an unknown stalker is watching her just a little too closely begins to mount. Mack finds herself seeking help from the one person she never thought she would–ex-girlfriend Anna Lapin.

When Mack is caught in a deadly situation, the only thing that might save the confident prosecutor is her brilliant analytical mind, her instinct for self-preservation and the uncanny instincts of the woman she once loved.

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ISBN 978-1642473469
Genre Intrigue/Thriller; Romance
Publication Date 22-Mar-22
Publisher Bella Books
Format Paperback
No. of Pages 302
BookID 251378

Author: LFWBooks