Storm by Kim Pritekel


Kim Pritekel

In Medieval Europe, the name of the game is survival – the stakes are raised when the Black Plague hits in 1349. The worlds of two women collide one fateful day. Merryn, a thieving street rat, and Cara, a simple village girl granted divine power to heal, join forces to increase their chance of survival. Unknown to either was how fate would play out – with love and with loss. Merryn’s heart breaks as Cara slips away from her. As time passes, Merryn learns to live without Cara in her life and ends up ruling the greatest empire since the time of the Romans. But who can heal the shattered heart of a ruler?

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ISBN 1933720433
Genre Drama; Romance; Speculative Fiction
Publication Date May-08
Publisher P.D. Publishing, Inc.
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 236
Language English
Rating NotRated
BookID 12432

Author: LFWBooks