Sean Gill | The Lesbian And Gay Christian Movement | Founded in 1976, LGCM has become the largest and most prominent group in Britain fighting to bring about change in the Christian Church’s traditional
Corey K. Creekmur ; Alexander Doty | Out in Culture | Out in Culture charts some of the ways in which lesbians, gays, and queers have understood and negotiated the pleasures and affirmations, as well as t
Colin Barton | Lesbian Legacy | To receive her inheritance, young Geraldine Ferguson must spend a week in the house that once lodged her doomed namesake, an early ancestor who’d take
Phyllis Burke | Family Values | A lesbian recounts her fight to legally adopt and co-parent her lover’s child, describing her journey into the worlds of adoption courts and the milit
Victoria Damson | Lady! Lady! | Story copy reads: ‘A gifted woman, whose twisted personality compelled her to destroy the men she met and drag down her women to an existence as degra
Pat Welch | Moving Targets | When the death of her beloved Uncle Loy draws Helen Black back to Mississippi, she finds herself in the midst of another mystery– and this one involv
Lara Zielinsky | Turning Point | It’s Hollywood. Actresses hate getting passed over. Cold shoulders are common. Petty sniping is part of the fabric of the place, but it takes two to f