The Green Scamander by Maude Meagher

The Green Scamander

Maude Meagher

A story of the Amazons, that almost mythical race of warlike women. The author has succeeded in unearthing an amazing amount of apparently authentic material, and has done an able bit of expository writing, but the utter lack of the necessary light touch, so essential in handling such material, makes one feel that she is using the theme as a vehicle for preaching the doctrine of feminism. That doctrine seems to be in a decline at the moment, and this story wont serve as a pulmotor. One feels a somewhat uncomfortable and defiant undercurrent of perversion, which does not help the picture. ~ Kirkus Review

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Genre Speculative Fiction
Publication Date 1933
Publisher Houghton Mifflin
Format Hardcover
No. of Pages 298
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Lesbian Historical Fantasy
BookID 5027

Author: LFWBooks