The White Bones of Truth by Cris Newport

The White Bones of Truth

Cris Newport

Our best-selling title with more than 60,000 copies sold worldwide. Start a revolution. Los Angeles in the year 2054. Independence is illegal. Corlay Llewellyn is a genetically engineered hermaphrodite — an outcast and a NetSurfer in love with a Star. Michelle David is an actress owned by the Studio. JayJay and the Bandshees are a rock ‘n’ roll band on the verge of making it big, and Phoenix Whitson is a political activist fighting for change. Society tells them to sell their souls, instead they start a revolution. Welcome to the future.

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ISBN 9781886383159
Genre Speculative Fiction
Publication Date Feb-96
Publisher Pride Publications
Format Trade Paperback
No. of Pages 188
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject American fiction; Fiction / Science Fiction / General; Science Fiction
BookID 14520

Author: LFWBooks