Three is an Orgy by Lorain Cicero

Three is an Orgy

Lorain Cicero

From the back:

Before she could object, he was under the covers beside her, his arms holding her tightly against him. She liked the sensation. After awhile, she stopped shaking from the cold, and a warmth began to seep through her.

‘Thanks,’ she said.

‘My pleasure,’ he said, and when she laughed softly he gave her a quizzical look.

‘I was just thinking… you told me you were the runt of the family, but -‘ Her hands reached out for him, boldly.

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Genre Pulp
Publication Date 1965
Publisher All Star
Format Mass Market Paperback
Notes All Star AS67
Language English
Rating NotRated
Subject Lesbians – Fiction
BookID 13222

Author: LFWBooks