Venus And Lysander by Yoshiyuki Ly

Venus And Lysander

Yoshiyuki Ly

Living as a nobleman and as a woman, Valerie of Lysander is sick of waiting for the world to change. The discrimination she suffers as an outcast builds into resentment. Once Val takes matters into her own hands, the whole Empire of Tynan feels her brand of justice. The Emperor’s adviser, Lucrezia of Azrith, wants more of Val’s ruthlessness–for revenge against the unjust, and for her own desires. Venus and Lysander is an intricate romance set in the fictional Victorian city of Eden, 250 years after the events in The Scorpion’s Empress.

Lucrezia is Lady Chancellor for the Emperor and a sorceress-in-hiding. She is forced to conceal her identity from the religious public for fear of death. As she learns to trust in Val’s chivalry and affections for her, they both fall for the softer sides behind their similar bulletproof personas. Lucrezia receives a mysterious warning about a sadistic enemy threatening the Azrith and Lysander families. Once they discover their nemesis’ true motive, Val and Lucrezia’s tyrannous devotion for one another is all they can count on to survive.

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ISBN 978-1625265241
Genre Romance
Publication Date 31-Jan-17
Publisher Solstice Publishing
Format Paperback
No. of Pages 251
Notes Lambda Literary Award Finalist, Lesbian Romance
Language English
Rating Good
Subject Transgender People – Fiction; Transgender Romance
BookID 14028

Author: LFWBooks